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000033_owner-lightwave-l _Mon Aug 1 20:39:51 1994.msg
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Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 22:50:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Donald Drennan <ddrennan@freenet.columbus.oh.us>
Subject: Re: Any One have a explosion scene ?
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On Sun, 31 Jul 1994, ViSiOnArY Gfx wrote:
> I need to get a hold of an explosion scene for lw. I have created a few
> but without acesss to any tpye of particle movement it doenst acchive the
> effect i need to get. So if some kinda soul would up/l There it would
> be greatly apperciated.
I was just experimenting with explosions last week!
I got great results (I thought) and it was extremely simple.
I don't yet know how to upload things from here so I will describe what I
First get a copy of "Particle gen" by Mark S. Drummond. Or I suppose it
would be possible without it. Create a particle object containing the same
number of points as the object you want to explode.
You could do this without Particle Gen by copying your object in Modeler
and reducing it to a group of one point polygons and then really
distorting it and moving the one point polygons around.
Next, load in both objects into Layout and set up your original object to
morph into the particle object. Experiment with the spline controls so
that it has the right attack and sustain (in musical terms).
Also set an envelope for the polygon size, shrink them as the explosion is
taking place.
When you have the object breaking up correctly, set a light in the in the
middle of the object and put an envelope on the lens flare intensity, this
should almost match the envelope for the object morph. And turn it way up
to around 200% at the very beginning. It should have an immediate attack
and a slow burn decay. Use the same envelope on the Light intensity.
The result is a fairly realistic looking explosion, and you don't have to
animate any particles, they just seem to fly out in all directions.
I'd really like to upload my explosion scene, since I'm so proud of it,
but I just haven't figured out how yet, Maybe I can E-mail it...
Watch for it soon, somehow.
Don Drennan
Drentech Productions